Monday, February 4, 2008

connected or random?

I believe that everything that happens in the world is connected somehow. I don't believe that luck only happens to some people, I believe that you have to wait for something to happen and if it doesn’t happen to you, but it happens to someone else that doesn’t mean anything, it just means it’s not your turn. I also believe that people who seem to want things a lot more then other people tend to not get what they want as fast. They of course will think that luck and good things will only come to richer and luckier people , but really all you have to do is work hard and not really think about what you want the most and soon enough you'll get it. Growing up I’ve always believed in fate and that everything happens for a reason. I also believe in God and how he made everything the way it is for a reason, I don’t think he wanted everyone to be the same and have the same job and everything. Some people do have a bad life, I don’t believe god gave them that certain path, I believe that he gave everyone a good future, but its up to the person to determine how they want to make it. Example; a homeless person. They weren’t always homeless, they could always try to find new jobs and go to shelters. People don’t need to make everything a big deal, just have a bit of faith and believe in what you’re doing and sooner or later, things will change.

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